sarah-marie belcastro

sarah-marie belcastro

I’m a math professor by trade, and (unsurprisingly) my designs are informed by mathematical concepts. I co-edited the books Making Mathematics with Needlework: Ten Papers and Ten Projects and Crafting by Concepts: Fiber Arts and Mathematics with my colleague and friend Carolyn Yackel. You can find out more than you ever wanted to know about me and my way-too-many interests (including my ex-cat, socially responsible investing, dance, feminist philosophy of science,…) at my domain

I also co-design with MadStuart as the design team sarah-marie belcastro and Madison Stuart under the name Knits with a Side of Math.

original designs

designs from sarah-marie belcastro and Carolyn Yackel

hyperbolic pants
Making Mathematics with Needlework
Seven-Colored Torus
Homage to a Pied Puzzler

designs from sarah-marie belcastro and Madison Stuart

Borromean Rings Cowl
Knits with a Side of Math