323. Knitted Neckerchief in Black Shetland Wool by Isabella Beeton

323. Knitted Neckerchief in Black Shetland Wool

Out of print. This pattern was available for free.

Please Note that this is a vintage pattern from the 1800’s and therefore not written in modern day terms.

Knitted Neckerchief in Black Shetland Wool.

Material: Black Shetland wool.

This three-cornered neckerchief is knitted in the following pattern (commencing at the corner).

This pattern is also available for free at:
Beetons Book of Needlework

Word of Caution:

There is much interest in this pattern, but feedback from those who have tried this, say that they are not able to use these directions to make the neckerchief.

If anyone charts this pattern, would you please let me know so that it can be posted to help others? thanks

New (Sept, 2009)

PDF Chart for border available, as well as written pattern using present day terminology thanks!!! to lillybonn, here:


The entire Beeton’s Book of Needlework can also be viewed at gutenberg.org