Dieuwke Schack-Mulligen

Dieuwke Schack-Mulligen

I have been knitting ever since I realised that the thing my grandma was doing was creating garments for us! It looked like magic, and I wanted to do magic too.

Now I am trying to convey some of my inspiration through designing knitwear, whenever it hits me - and wants to work out!

Join the chatter about my designs and the occasional yarn I dye in the Knitter’s Kitchen | DVM designs group.

For those who’ve been wondering: My first name is pronounced [ˈdjugə] (using the International Phonetic Alphabet) - like in “juke(box)” but with an “uh” at the end; “juke-uh”.
It’s an originally Frisian name, and not at all common, so I’ve grown used to spelling it at least once a day. I react to everything that sounds even remotely like it, and I don’t take offence with misspellings and mispronounciations :)

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