Delightfully Deranged by Fran Carle

Delightfully Deranged

April 2018
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
40 stitches and 44 rows = 4 inches
in Stockinette
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
300 - 425 yards (274 - 389 m)
M (L)
This pattern is available for C$5.00 CAD buy it now

This pair of socks was a fun collaboration with Krissy from Deranged Dyeworks. I designed 2 pairs of socks using her Electric Sock Therapy Set. This pattern is available as a single pattern, or as part of an e-book featuring both patterns at a discount.

This interesting pattern is fully cabled. In order to ensure that all sizes knit the entire cable pattern, the size is actually customized by where the heel flap is started as opposed to where the toe is started. Because of this row gauge is very important. This pattern is not recommended for a beginner sock knitter but will hopefully be a fun challenge for everyone. These socks are knit cuff down, and feature an eye of Partridge Heel flap.

Size: M (L)- Size can also be altered by changing needle size.
Yarn: Shown – Deranged Dyeworks Merino Nylon Sock (425 yards/ 115 grams) in Windbreaker.
Recommended- 100 grams of any fingering weight sock yarn.
Needles: 2.5 mm (or size needed to obtain gauge) needles of choice (9” circs, long circ for magic loop or DPN’s)
Notions: cable needle, darning needle for kitchener stitch and weaving in ends
Gauge: 40 stitches 4” /44 rows per 4” in stockinette stitch

Please join my group Inky Knitter Designs if you have any questions or concerns. Also, I’m always looking for more test knitters!