Hocus Pocus Book Cover by Crochet by Coraggio

Hocus Pocus Book Cover

October 2019
Aran (8 wpi) ?
3.75 mm (F)
4.25 mm (G)
5.0 mm (H)
This book cover is made using a book that when closed is 9 ½ in tall by 6 1/2 wide, spine of book 9 ½ tall and 1 inch wide.
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

This crochet pattern will instruct you to how to make a Hocus Pocus book cover inspired by Hocus Pocus! The pattern includes instructions how to make the book cover and add the details. THIS IS FOR PATTERN ONLY NOT A FINISHED PRODUCT!!!! Please give it a ♡ on here if you like it :).

• Brown, dark brown, grey, corn meal color (or light yellow) I used red heart super saver.
• 3.75mm (F), 4.25mm (G), 5mm (H) hook
• Fake eye
• Sewing needle and thread
• Book your making the cover for
• Scissors
• Measuring tape
• Stitch marker
• Glue gun (optional)
• Small piece of Velcro (optional if making a latch)

The skills required to complete this pattern include:
Moderate crochet skills
Crocheting in rows
Changing colors
Sewing pieces together
Adjustments to fit your own book

I recommend going though and reading the whole pattern before you start to make sure this book cover would work for you.

Note: This book cover is made using a book that when closed is 9 ½ in tall by 6 1/2 wide, spine of book 9 ½ tall and 1 inch wide. You will need to know moderate crochet skills for this pattern and may have to know how to adjust the pattern to make the book/parts to fit your own book. There are hundreds of different book sizes, but I did my best to explain how to adjust the pattern. This pattern can be adjusted to fit your book that’s close to the same size. Start by taking measurements of your book open or you can double the closed measurement, measure width (including spine), height. You will make the main part of the cover the same size as your measurements plus 8 inches to the width. The extra inches will be used to fold inside the book, so the cover stays on.

The decorations on the book if your book is bigger or smaller I recommend going up or down a hook size or two to adjust to fit your book. Some decorations (like the snake, scars, and rectangle piece) you may need to add or subtract rows to fit your book also depending on your size. Always measure as you go before “fastening off”. You can choose to sew or glue on your pieces. I alternated between both. When sewing or gluing make sure you are not sewing/gluing the other side of the cover to the other!!

The eyeball I found at a local pop up Halloween store in the “body parts” area. If you cannot find an eye at a local store there are many kinds online. I also mentioned 2 other ways you can make your own eye. Just make sure your eye is flat on the back of the eye so its flush with the book. Package of the eye I used is under the EYE section of the pattern. Note the eye I used does have Latex.

This pattern is written in English and uses U.S crochet terminology. This pattern is 11 pages long and includes instructions and multiple pictures by me and my testers, and you can always contact me if you have any further questions. The pattern is in PDF form. Pattern has been tested by multiple testers! The finished Book cover size will vary depending on your tension and book size.

Hocus Pocus is copyright of Disney. This is a inspired Hocus Pocus piece and will always be a free pattern.