Liz Coffee Cozy by Elizabeth Hargrove

Liz Coffee Cozy

December 2020
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
5.0 mm (H)
25 - 50 yards (23 - 46 m)
One size only
This pattern is available for $3.50 USD buy it now

Hi, I’m Liz-- the Yarnista behind The Little Yarnery.

I am a coffee loving lady who happens to be obsessed with cute coffee cozies.

It only took me a year to finally design a coffee cozy for myself!

This cute cozy works up in just 30 minutes (or less) once you get into your groove! Perfect for those last minute gifts or treats for yourself and anyone else you might know.

Materials Needed:

30 yards of Worsted weight/aran cotton yarn (#4 or a light #5)
5mm hook

Grab your favorite yarn, hook, throw on a show, and get cozy making your own Liz Coffee Cozy!

Gauge is listed in the pattern