Over It Headband by Fran Carle

Over It Headband

November 2017
Aran (8 wpi) ?
18 stitches and 24 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette
US 8 - 5.0 mm
160 - 210 yards (146 - 192 m)
This pattern is available for C$6.00 CAD buy it now

Winter has only just begun, and I’m over it already. With very long hair and very cold winters, I needed an exceptionally warm headband to keep my ears and forehead warm. This ultra-warm headband is knit in the round as a tube which results in a double thick fabric. The circumference is easily adjusted and the cable pattern is fairly simple, and would be attainable for an adventurous beginner. The headband is grafted together using the kitchener stitch to provide a seamless look.
160-210 yards of Aran weight yarn
US 8 (5mm) needles (or size needed to obtain gauge). DPNs or long circular for magic loop. Additional needles are needed for the grafting process
Cable needle, tapestry needle, stitch marker
Waste yarn for provisional cast on
Skill Level
Intermediate as it is knit in the round, requires a provisional cast on, and grafting in cable pattern.
(if grafting is an issue, this item can be seamed together as another option)

Please join my group Inky Knitter Designs if you have any questions or concerns. Also, I’m always looking for more test knitters!