Perfect Pineapple Soap Saver by Off the Hook Mamma

Perfect Pineapple Soap Saver

July 2019
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
5.0 mm (H)
50 - 75 yards (46 - 69 m)
One Size
This pattern is available for C$2.95 CAD buy it now

Perfect Pineapple Soap Saver - Pattern | OtHM original
Final measurements are roughly 3” tall by 2.5” wide & perfectly fits a Dove soap bar. (individual hand makes will vary – use your discretion of hook to create a loose stitch)
- More can be seen in the full how to YouTube tutorial!

For this project you will need:

  1. 5 mm Crochet Hook
  2. Worsted weight Cotton Yarn: I used white mill-ends I found on clearance.
  3. Scissors


Ch = chain stitches
SC = single crochet.
DC = Double Crochet
BLO = back loop only
SLST closed all at once creating a raised ball stitch through the SC base)
sts = stitches
SKST = Skip Stitch
FO = Fasten off, pull a SLST through to close off the piece/ detail.

Special Instructions:
This pattern is worked in Rows & Continuous Rounds, there will be visible no seam in this piece. This pattern requires knowledge of SC, DC, Ch, SLST, & the Icord which can be found on my Youtube Channel.
Skipped stitches will not be counted as stitches, as well chain stitches & SLST’s will not be counted as stitches. Only SC sts and DC sts will be counted at the end of each row/ Round.
Instructions for this Soap Saver can also be found on my Youtube Channel! I hope you enjoy this perfect exfoliating cotton pouch as much as I do!