Reversible Pinstripe Skirt by Mouton Rouge

Reversible Pinstripe Skirt

September 2020
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
5 stitches = 1 inch
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 7 - 4.5 mm
1039 - 1312 yards (950 - 1200 m)
custom size
This pattern is available for $6.00 USD buy it now

I love pinstripe skirts (they are so classic) - and I wanted to knit one that would resemble the style. I love the way it turned out and it fits me really well.

The pattern is easy to do and the skirt is reversible. It can be worn dressed up or down, depending on the occasion and the way you feel. If you want to wear it as a reversible garment, make sure, when you weave in the ends, to make the ends invisible on the other side.

It is another custom-tailored skirt made to your own body measurements. It is knitted top down in the round and it is designed so that every knitter, even beginners, will be able to have a garment at the end that fits them perfectly.

You can make it as short or as long as you like (providing that you have enough yarn).

I labeled this pattern as intermediate because you need to do some calculations at the start of the project, but the knitting part itself is mostly at a beginner’s level.

What’s nice about knitting this from the top is that you can try it as you knit and see how it fits, and also how long you want to make it.

Happy knitting!