Scrappy Triangle Scarf by Erin Gates

Scrappy Triangle Scarf

February 2018
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
US 8 - 5.0 mm
400 - 410 yards (366 - 375 m)
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

I am always looking for ideas for projects to knit with all my leftovers. I have baskets and baskets of scrappy yarn that I just cannot bring myself to get rid of. (or maybe I’m just a hoarder). ☺

This triangle scarf is a pretty simple knit pattern and I think most of the fun comes from picking the colors. Every row in this pattern is worked with a new strand of yarn and then it is cut at the end. The best part of this pattern is that you do not have to weave in the ends, since the tails will turn into fringe along the way and you will just tie them off in pairs as you go.

This is also a great project to knit with a group where everyones brings leftovers of their own to donate and share.

Finished Measurements
20” from top to bottom and 48” across (this may vary slightly depending on the weight of the yarn used)

Materials Needed
roughly 400 yards of leftover yarn (I used a mix of DK, worsted, and chunky weight)
US 8 circular needles (24” or longer)

Skills Needed
knit stitch
cast on/off
knitting flat on circular needles
YO- yarn over