Tenderhearted Hat by Fran Carle

Tenderhearted Hat

February 2018
DK (11 wpi) ?
22 stitches and 28 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette
US 6 - 4.0 mm
150 - 250 yards (137 - 229 m)
Toddler, Child, Adult S, Adult L
This pattern is available for C$6.50 CAD buy it now

This hat was designed to match a sweater I recently knit for my 5 yr old daughter using the leftovers. I made this cute heart chart for the bottom edge and cuffs of the sweater and knew immediately it had to be a hat as well. It features a double thick brim with interlocking ribbing and then a simple colorwork section followed by a simple stockinette body.

Yarn: Shown – MC- Jenny Watson Pure Merino DK (135 yards/50 grams), CC- Allison Barnes Yarn Merino DK (250 yards/115 grams)
Recommended- 50 grams of CC and MC in DK for Toddler and Child sizes. It is likely that you will use slightly more than 50 grams of each for the adult sizes.
Needles: 3.5mm and 4mm needles of choice depending on the knitters individual knitting style (16” circs, long circ for magic loop or DPN’s for crown shaping)
Notions: darning needle for weaving in ends, smooth waste yarn for provisional cast on if used, pompom if desired.
Gauge: 22 stitches per 4” in blocked stockinette and 28 rounds per 4” in stockinette