Tiny Bee by Karine Larose

Tiny Bee

August 2023
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
Gauge isn't critical, just make sure the fabric is tight enough that the stuffing doesn't show through the stitches.
2.5 mm
About 2 inches long and 2 inches tall (including wings)
English French
This pattern is available for C$4.00 CAD buy it now

This pattern is available for free on larosedurang.com

Showcase your colors with this adorable little bee! A quick and easy little pattern, just add a simple chain and transform it into a perfect little bag charm!

Requires less than 10 g of yarn in total.

** Ce patron est disponible gratuitement sur larosedurang.com **

Affichez vos couleurs à l’aide de cette adorable petite abeille! Un petit patron tout simple auquel vous pouvez ajouter une cordelette pour transformer ce mignon petit amigurumi en décoration pour votre sac!

Requiert moins de 10 g de laine au total.