Doily #18 Vaguelettes by Nihon Vogue (日本ヴォーグ社)

Doily #18 Vaguelettes

Vaguelettes model 18 a & b

The partial instructions on page 64 are in French. But the chart is very explicit.
Both models uses the same chart, the size depends greatly on the size of thread.
On page 22 there are amazing pictures of the finish doilies.

Below are materials stated in the book.

Doily A in ecru
Yarn: Cordonnet number 5 ecru, 50g
Hook: 1.50 mm
Finished size: 42 cm

Doily B in white
Yarn: Cordonnet number 20 blanc, 20g
Hook: 1.25 mm
Finished size: 30 mm