Wiggler Monster Hunter by Blue Fox Paws

Wiggler Monster Hunter

May 2020
4.0 mm (G)
This pattern is available for £2.50 GBP
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The Wiggler. Found most recently in the Coral Highlands, these adorable little souls can be seen sticking their little heads out the ground and waving in the breeze.
They like to watch and admire life as it passes by them, but anything that gets too close causes these creatures to retreat to the safety of their burrows.
No one knows what’s in their burrows to date, it may forever remain a mystery.

Catch one if you can, and it will be more than happy to live in a pot on a shelf and watch you as you go about your daily life!
I bought my little pot seen in the pictures from a local Charity Shop

My Wiggler comes in at 8 inches (20cm) long when stretched out, and 4.5 inches (12cm) from neck feather to neck feather.
If you use a 4mm hook and yarn like I did, these measurements will be accurate.

Stitches used: SC, INC, DEC, CH

To make the eyes I recommend needle felting, this is what I did to give it the flush appearance, however felt or embroidery, crochet or even buttons can be used.

Please do not claim this pattern as your own or sell the finish products for your own profit as I spent a lot of time working on this pattern.
However, feel free to share your finished products on social media, but please give credit and possibly a link to the listing ;D
Thank you!

I do not own this character, Wiggler / Monster Hunter belongs to Capcom.