Ana Torradinhas

Ana Torradinhas

Hello, my name is Ana and Ananim Atelier is anywhere and everywhere I can grab my hook and crochet, or at least plan and dream about all the things I want to do with yarn.

I love geometric patterns and have fallen totally in love with overlay mosaic crochet. I particularly enjoy designing useful and beautiful accessories for you and your home to wear, and for your hands and soul to delight in making them.

Since Portuguese is my first language, my patterns will probably all be first published in Portuguese, followed by English. So, if you see something you’d like to make, but isn’t available yet in English, follow along to get first dips on test calls and EN versions.

You can also tag along on my instagram @ananimatelier and subscribe to my newsletter on Substack called Unfinished Object.

PS: My pattern store is hosted on Payhip.

original designs

Mala Aquela Azul com Sashiko
Ananim Atelier on Payhip