Hey there! I am currently specialising in randomised brioche knit patterns. They consist of a short repeating section utilising dice rolling to create a design that changes as you knit into a design unique to you! With such a short repeat, I hope that you get the hang of it quickly and do not need to refer to the pattern often. As you knit, you might even find yourself leaving the dice behind and changing the design on the fly!

My designs aim to provide a relaxed, almost mindless knit that still produces an intricate pattern you can be proud of. Dice rolling or self chosen designs make it fun, and I aim to create knits that ultimately have a plain and simple shape or structure to them.

Happy knitting!

original designs

Rainbow Road Infinity Scarf Ravelry Store
Rainbow Road Infinity Scarf worn in a double loop. 

I never know what to do with my hands.
Meandering Flow Shawl Ravelry Store
Right side of the Meandering Flow Shawl
Meandering Flow Scarf (DK) Ravelry Store
Meandering Flow Scarf (DK)
Meandering Flow Scarf Ravelry Store
Meandering Flow Scarf main side out, wrapped twice around the neck
Pathways beanie Ravelry Store
Both samples with my favourite dice set
Pathways headband Ravelry Store
Three sample knits of the Pathways headbands with 6 sided dice.
Rainbow Road Cowl Ravelry Store
Rainbow Road Cowl worn reverse side out by a 2m tall man