Ilse Charlotte Funch

Ilse Charlotte Funch

original designs

Crochet birds - Pip and Rap
Ilse Charlotte Funch Designs
Knitted elephant - Josefine
Ilse Charlotte Funch Designs
Knitted monkey - Kalle
Ilse Charlotte Funch Designs
Knitted doll - Liv
Ilse Charlotte Funch Designs
Knitted doll - Trine
Ilse Charlotte Funch Designs
Knitted doll - Trunte
Ilse Charlotte Funch Designs
Knitted dolls - Amy and Alice
Ilse Charlotte Funch Designs
Knitted dolls - Emma and Emmy
Ilse Charlotte Funch Designs
Knitted doll - Pernille
Ilse Charlotte Funch Designs
Knitted doll - Olivia
Ilse Charlotte Funch Designs
Crochet doll - Sus
Ilse Charlotte Funch Designs