Knitting Magic Girl

Knitting Magic Girl

My name is Leah, and I have an addiction to all things fiber. I briefly had a website called Fiber Fiction, but alas, lack of time and money made that close up shop. The patterns from that website are still all free Ravelry downloads and will just stay here now. I hope you enjoy the patterns and if you find any errors or anything that seems off, please message me. I always love feedback!

original designs

Winged Victory Cowl
Fiber Fiction
Intwined Hat
Fiber Fiction
Horror Dishcloth
Fiber Fiction
Sci Fi Dishcloth
Fiber Fiction
Fantasy Dishcloth
Fiber Fiction
Romance Dishcloth
Fiber Fiction
Mystery Dishcloth
Fiber Fiction
Flowerbasket and Fishy Dishcloths
The Musings of a Magic Knitter
Fireflowers Dishcloth
The Musings of a Magic Knitter
Poker Stud
The Musings of a Magic Knitter
Poker Player
Stuffy Doll
The Musings of a Magic Knitter
Crocheted Beet
The Musings of a Magic Knitter
Run Away! aka the Killer Rabbit
The AntiCraft, Lughnasadh 2008
killer rabbit
The AntiCraft, Imbolc 2008: Get Stuffed
  • Beholder
  • The AntiCraft, Imbolc 2008: Get Stuffed
Buttonhole Scarf
The Musings of a Magic Knitter