Liz Thayer

Liz Thayer

I was taught to knit & crochet as a child but it didn’t become an obsession until my thirties. I quickly learned I hated sewing pieces together and became fixated in knitting as many things in one piece as I could. Elizabeth Zimmerman and Meg Swansen entered my life and from that point on, no pattern was knitted unchanged.

Eventually I started experimenting with other ways to create the shapes I wanted. In the mid-1990s I flirted briefly with self-publishing some of my designs. I started Pig Dog Farm - Div. of Yarn and sold a few copies of my Sideways Sox pattern. I entered a fancy version (Sideways Sox Supreme) in a Knitter’s Magazine contest and the pattern ended up in their “Socks Socks Socks” book. Knitter’s even published an article I wrote about grafting, although I can’t remember the issue number. I also did a little test-knitting for some of Beth Brown-Reinsel’s patterns and Charlene Schurch’s book “Mostly Mittens”

But that was about as good as it got. I realized I didn’t have “it”. Dammit, Jim, I’m a technician, not an artist.

In my early 40s the fever faded and knitting was no longer the focal point of my life, but every once in awhile I get a wild hair and need to knit something. Be sure to check back -- you never know what I’ll come up with next!

original designs

The Queen's Shrug
Pig Dog Farm
The Mini Best Hat
Pig Dog Farm Div. of Yarn
Sideways Socks Supreme
Socks, Socks, Socks
Baby in a Bunting
Pig Dog Farm Div. of Yarn
Mini-sock, Sideways
Pig Dog Farm Div. of Yarn
Holiday Toddler Vest
Pig Dog Farm Div. of Yarn