Pam Haschke

Pam Haschke

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All of the patterns published here have been designed to support Halos of Hope (tm), a 501c3-registered charity. Our mission is to provide volunteer-made, hand-crafted caps to cancer centers across the country.

We are not professional pattern designers. You can visit our Halos of Hope Ravelry Group where we will post suggestions for more complicated patterns, or are willing to chime in on new threads. We’ll also respond to PMs here on Rav, and to emails sent to

Our design shop hopes to bring some fun and different pattern ideas to the table, to help comfort those going through cancer treatment, and to bring a bit of cheer, to the patient and the crafter.

original designs

Bucket of Blooms
Halos of Hope website
Baskets of Hope
Halos of Hope website
Ribbed Pillbox Hat
Halos of Hope website