Rachel Anne Bishop

Rachel Anne Bishop

Hi! My name is Rachel.

I have a background in graphic design/art direction. I LOVE it… but always come back to my passion for sewing and knitting. My house is covered, and I mean covered, in yarn and fabric and everything that goes with it!

Between 05-09 I was designing and writing knitting patterns and co/running an indie knitwear company in Portland Oregon. It remains one of my fondest memories. I also spent a little over a year working in a beautiful yarn store in down town Portland. It was SO much fun and I was able to meet and work with some incredible knitters and designers. I still feel so lucky that I was given that opportunity.

I’m now located in Southern California. My kiddos are all in school (and one almost graduated!) so I find myself with a lot more free time. Naturally I am knitting more… which leads to designing more and this makes me pretty darn happy!


original designs

Truffle Hunting Socks
Color Craft Designs