#10 Sleeveless Top with Diamond Lace Panel by Cynthia Berrier

#10 Sleeveless Top with Diamond Lace Panel

no longer available from 1 source show
Lace weight yarn
Lace ?
14 stitches and 18 rows = 1 inch
in stockinette stitch
US 000 - 1.5 mm
16-inch fashion dolls and slim MSD dolls
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

From the Designer: “This is a very easy sleeveless top for 16-inch fashion dolls. It has a deep ribbing that hugs the doll’s small waist. The front has an easy diamond lace design. This makes a perfect summer top for your girls to wear with jeans, shorts, skirts a nd slacks. Looks wonderful in soft, summer pastels. Make it later for fall and slip on a jack et for another look. You will find many uses for this easy to knit top! It can be knit without the lace design as well. Fits 16-inch fashion dolls, as well as Gene, Ellowyne Wilde series and other similar size dolls, including slim ball-jointed dolls, such as Unoa.

Rating: #1 – Easy.
Although you only need to know how to knit and purl, you must be able to read instructions, and increase and decrease stitches and work a lace pattern if you so desire. Uses lace weight yarn on size 3/0 (1.5 mm) needles with a fine gauge. Ribbing is worked on 4/0 (1.2 mm) needles.“