1153 Child's Dress with Matching Knickers by Passap Design Team

1153 Child's Dress with Matching Knickers

Machine Knitting
January 1963
Lace ?
34 stitches and 53 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette stitch
1 1/2 to 2 years

Machine knitting pattern for standard gauge double bed machine. Sized for 1 1/2 to 2 years.

Dress has gathered cap sleeves, neck trim sewn on, and crocheted back neck opening with buttons.

Knickers have a sewn in gusset, hemmed leg openings, and elastic at waist

From pattern:
Materials: approx 7 oz fine pale blue baby wool, 1 oz white, 4 buttons, elastic
Stitch size: stocking stitch 3 3/4, pattern 3 3/4,
Test Square:
Stocking stitch: 100 sts = 11 3/4 ins, 100 rows = 7 1/2 ins
Pattern: 100sts = 15 ins, 100 rows = 4 3/4 ins