1159 Lady's Sweater with Open Work Pattern by Passap Design Team

1159 Lady's Sweater with Open Work Pattern

Machine Knitting
January 1963
Lace ?
26.23 stitches and 45.71 rows = 4 inches
34 to 36 inch bust

Machine knitting pattern for standard gauge double bed machine.

Sized for 34 to 36 inch bust.

Pullover with racked pattern and set in sleeves. Hems are ribbed and neckband is knit separately and sewn on.

NOTE: zipper only mentioned in materials, not in instructions. It’s possible it goes in one of the shoulder seams

From pattern:
Materials: approx 12 1/2 oz fine sweater wool, 1 zipper
Test Square: 100 sts = 15 1/4 ins, 100 rows = 8 3/4 ins