1166 a and b - Ladies' Twin Set by Passap Design Team

1166 a and b - Ladies' Twin Set

Machine Knitting
January 1963
Lace ?
34.04 stitches and 55.17 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette stitch
36" bust

Machine knitting pattern for standard gauge double bed machine.

Sized to fit 36” bust. Twin set with 1166b

1166a: Long sleeved crew neck button cardigan. Neck and button bands are sewn on.
Materials: approx 9 oz fine sweater wool, 8 buttons.

1166b Short sleeved crew neck pullover. Neck band sewn on.
Materials: approx 7 oz fine sweater wool

For both:
Test Square: 100 sts = 11 3/4 ins, 100 rows = 7 1/4 ins