1169 Child's Leggings by Passap Design Team

1169 Child's Leggings

Machine Knitting
January 1963
Medium wool
Light Fingering ?
28 stitches and 39 rows = 4 inches
in Tubular stockinette stitch
For approx. 4 years
English French German

Machine knitting pattern for standard gauge double bed machine.

Sized for approximately 4 years old.

Child’s leggings with gusset knit top down in the round.

“Leggings with decreasing on sides. No transferring of stitches!”

Materials: 5.5 oz of “medium” wool, 2 feet of elastic.
Test Square: 100 sts = 14 1/4 ins. 100 rows = 10 1/4 ins
Pattern: Tubular stockinette stitch