#123Scrunchies by Lina A.R


March 2021
Candy Dotyarn
yarn held together
+ Sport
= Worsted (9 wpi) ?
21 stitches and 25 rows = 4 inches
2.5 mm
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Hello from Malaysia and Apa Khabar!
Thank you for visiting pinkyfrogshop.com 123Scrunchies crochet pattern and instructions tested using Candy Dotyarn from pinkyfrogshop.com or you can use any sporty / light yarn category. You can use scrap yarn too.

This pattern is using a simple single crochet stitch, bullion stitch. Diagram pattern included. If you haven’t learned how to do bullion stitches yet, make sure that you practice those first & then come back to this pattern.At the end of the project you will learn how easy to make your own scrunchies.

I hope you enjoy making this cute 123Scrunchies. Please leaves a comment and HASH tag via instagram at #123Scrunchies. Feel free to contact me at pinkyfrogshop@gmail.com for further assistance.

Lot of love from MALAYSIA.