1253 Men's sportswear with fair isle yoke by Passap Design Team

1253 Men's sportswear with fair isle yoke

Machine Knitting
January 1964
medium wool
Light Fingering ?
50 stitches and 62 rows = 4 inches
in double bed jacquard in pattern
42 inch chest

PATTERN FOR MACHINE KNITTING, double bed machine with 5mm needle spacing. No hand knitting equivalent given.

Pattern is for round yoke sweater and cap for men.

Pattern calls for 14oz light green, 2 oz dark green, 1 1/2 oz yellow, 2 oz red, 1 1/2 oz light brown, medium wool. No yarn specifics are given in the pattern but 3ply would be my first suggestion, about 600m/100g.

Stitch pattern is “birdseye” double-bed jacquard, BX < > / BX <

Pattern is knitted in four pieces with 1/4 of yoke added to front, back, and both sleeves, and then seamed. Front and back are identical (more modern patterns tend to build up back with short rows to help with fit). Cap is also seamed.