2386 Dress in the "Folklore-Look' by Passap Design Team

2386 Dress in the "Folklore-Look'

Machine Knitting
January 1977
Lace ?
2625 yards (2400 m)
88 - 92 cm bust
English German
Out of print. This pattern was available for free.

Passap machine knitting instructions for a dress with fairisle details. The fairisle patterning can be done manually following the chart provided, or with Jac punch card 26 (45a).

The skirt is knit in one piece in tubular stocking stitch. The sleeves & yoke are knit sideways from the arms inward and joined in the back. The cuffs and collar are knit separately and sewn on. A twisted cord finishes the neck.

The belt is knit in stocking stitch and then sewn to stiffening fabric and lining and is also tied with a twisted cord.

The pattern calls for 400g “fairly fine mohair/acrylic” (600m per 100g): 325 g offwhite, 30 g red, 15 g black, 15 g green, 15 g blue and 6 press studs.

Test square: 100 sts=38 cm, 100 rows (RC 200)=28cm

The stitch sizes shown are for the earlier “Pinkie” Passap. An extra half a stitch size larger should be added for the later DM80 and E6000 machines.

The pattern pictured on p11 (p12 of the pdf), the instructions are on p12 of the instruction book (p31 of the pdf).