2404 Child's dress with open work trimming by Passap Design Team

2404 Child's dress with open work trimming

Machine Knitting
January 1977
Sport (12 wpi) ?
1260 yards (1152 m)
approx. 11 years old, height 146 cm
English German
Out of print. This pattern was available for free.

Passap machine knitting instructions for a child’s striped dress with a gathered skirt and open work panels. The open work panels are knit first in a double bed racked pattern that uses a transfer tool. These panels are then inserted in to the sides of the stocking stich dress as it is knit. The neck and armholes are finished with bands of 1:1 rib.

The pattern calls for 360g cotton yarn (320m per 100g) : 200g white, 160g yellow.

Test square: 100 sts = 34 cm, 100 rows = 21.5 cm

The stitch sizes given in this model book are for the earlier “Pinkie” Passap (referred to as the “Duo” in this model book). Add an extra half stitch size to get the appropriate stitch size for the later DM80 and E6000 machines.

This pattern also includes instructions for the Passap Combi machine.

By following the schematic, this pattern can be adapted for use in other standard gauge knitting machines.

The pattern is pictured on p15 of the model book, (p16 of the pdf), the instructions start on p37 of the instruction book (p56 of the pdf).