2416 Child's dress by Passap Design Team

2416 Child's dress

Machine Knitting
January 1977
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
1223 yards (1118 m)
approx. 3 years old, height 98 cm
English German
Out of print. This pattern was available for free.

Passap machine knitting instructions for a dress for a three year old with a pleated skirt and short puffed sleeves. The skirt is knit sideways with short rows. The top parts are knit bottom up. After sewing up a knit cord is laced through and tied.

The pattern calls for 260 “medium wool” (430m per 100g) : 160g green and 100g navy and a small button

Test square in stocking stitch: 100 sts = 29 cm, 100 rows = 22 cm

The stitch sizes given in this model book are for the earlier “Pinkie” Passap (referred to as the “Duo” in this model book). Add an extra half stitch size to get the appropriate stitch size for the later DM80 and E6000 machines.

This pattern also includes instructions for the Passap Combi machine.

The pattern is pictured on p12 of the model book, (p13 of the pdf), the instructions are on p30 of the instruction book (p49 of the pdf).