925-276 Pullover by Eleanor C. Bernat & Claire Matson

925-276 Pullover

January 1981
Sport (12 wpi) ?
5 stitches = 1 inch
in 5 sts = 1 inch in pattern stitch
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 7 - 4.5 mm
600 - 800 yards (549 - 732 m)
Small (8-10), Medium (12-14), Large (16-18)

Style No. Bernat 925-276, Pullover shown on front cover.
(Style No. Bernat 926-276, Sweater shown on front cover).

Bernat Linette (50 gram pull skeins) - 6(8-8)
1 pair each straight knitting needles, size 5 and 7
1 set double pointed needles, size 5

GAUGE: 5 sts = 1 inch, in pattern stitch.

Called Smart Cardigan and Shell In Workbasket