A Pretty Knitted Negligee by The Western Mail

A Pretty Knitted Negligee

September 1931
Shetland wool
Angora wool
both are used in this pattern
Light Fingering ?
US 9 - 5.5 mm
32-34" bust
This pattern is available for free.

THIS charming negligee is delightfully feminine, and is really very simple to knit. It will make a most suitable dressing wrap for the spring and summer, for it is fashioned of Shetland wool, which is light, yet gives that little bit of warmth we seem to need even in the warmer weather.

MATERIALS: six balls of Shetland wool, two balls Angora wool, georgette for lining, one yard of rose trimming, and 1¾ yards ribbon for bow. No. 5 needles.

The original was worked in palest pink Shetland, with white Angora, and was lined with pale pink georgette. The rose trimming around the neck edge matched, and the satin ribbon bow was pink also. The lining took five yards of georgette, but it was prettily frilled and shirred. A plainer lining would require less material. If a coarser stitch is required. No. 3 needles could be used.

MEASUREMENTS: for small women’s size, that is 32-34 inch bust.