A Puff-Sleeved Bed-Jacket by The Western Mail

A Puff-Sleeved Bed-Jacket

June 1935
Baldwin and Walker's Ladyship Babyship wool
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
13 stitches = 2 inches
US 5 - 3.75 mm
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There’s a vogue for shell-patterns, and there’s a vogue for big puff sleeves. Here the two notions are charmingly combined to make a bed jacket. Its daintiness deserves a very delicate shade of wool. Shell-pink or palest apple-green would be delightful, with matching satin ribbon and white swansdown at the neck.

Materials: 6oz. of Baldwin and Walker’s 4-ply “Ladyship Babyship” wool in a delicate shade of pink, a pair of No. 9 needles, 3/4 of a yard of swansdown, a yard of ribbon to match the wool, and 3 pearl buttons.

Measurements: The length of the coatee is 18 inches, the width all round below the sleeves 33 inches, and the length of sleeve seam 11 inches.