Arthur / Anita by Herbert Niebling

Arthur / Anita

Beyer Band 361 & reprint: “Arthur”
picture p 13, directions p 12, charts 9A and B.

Kunststrick-Muster 1512 and Schöne Spitzen: “Anita”
From 1512 leaflet with Hannelore pattern on the back.
Ovale Decke Anita, about 125x150 cm

Source calls for 375g ‘mittelstarke bananenfarbene Häkelkunstseide’ (medium-weight banana-colored Crochet Rayon) on needles size 2.5 (old German size) for an oval 123cm/48” wide 148cm/58” long. Chart 9A is knit back and forth, after the 115th round stitches are picked up around the edges, and work commences on chart 9B in the round.

Note that this pattern is extremely similar to the pattern “Ovaler Blütentraum” from Burda E294 and E554. However, Arthur/Anita has flowers with 4 large petals while the Burda version has 3 large petals.

Please see this forum post for more discussion