Azuki Bikini Top by Maya Mima

Azuki Bikini Top

June 2021
Any gauge - designed for any gauge ?
18 stitches and 15 rows = 4 inches
208 - 437 yards (190 - 400 m)
Size inclusive, made to measure
This pattern is available for $6.55 USD buy it now

Azuki-iro after which this top is named means the colour of sweet bean paste in Japanese. I wanted something of the spirit of this ingredient, of being simple yet unique and versatile to reflect in this design as well. So this is Azuki even though its colour keeps changing.

The pattern is written tutorial style, so it is completely size inclusive. You can follow it and learn to take your own measurements and adapt the cups and straps to create a bikini top that fits you perfectly. I have also kept the design very simple and beginner friendly. It is constructed using basic motifs and cup design, which works well with both solid coloured yarns as well as variegated.


Hook as recommended for yarn
Stitch Markers
Measuring Tape
Tapestry Needle
Masking Tape or Sellotape
4 small Beads to attach at the ends of the straps (Optional)

Yarn* Since this is a make to measure pattern you can use any yarn weight, although I recommend fine weight to medium weight for best fitting results. The hook size, and yardage will vary according to the yarn you choose and the coverage you desire, but just for reference you can see how much yarn, my testers used.

XS: aprox. 190m
S: aprox. 210m
M: aprox. 245m
L: aprox. 280m
XL: aprox. 355m
2XL: aprox. 400m