Ballerina Mouse by Christjan Bee

Ballerina Mouse

August 2015
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
3.75 mm (F)
This pattern is available for free.

This is a pattern for a mouse dressed as a ballerina. This was a request from a co-worker of my wife. The pattern calls for the mouse to be made with light pink yarn with a perfect pink and pink sparkle dress and shoes. The mouse can be made in any color and so can the dress as long as you can find the sparkle yarn in similar color. I found the sparkle yarn at Hobby Lobby in pink, green, orange, yellow, light blue, and lavender.

Worsted weight yarn: lt. pink, perfect pink, pink sparkle, and black.
F crochet hook
1/8 inch pink ribbon
Polyester Fiberfil
Tapestry needle