Basic Beanie by Olivia Kent

Basic Beanie

This pattern is available for free.

I love crocheting! I know I’ve said this many times before, but I think every time I say it I love it that little bit more!
It’s fun and exciting knowing that whenever you pick up your crochet hook and yarn that you’ll soon be creating something beautiful and amazing! I also love the fact that it gives me the ability to make things for my friends and family. Actually at the moment I’m busy making 4 different projects for my nearest and dearest haha
Another thing I love about crocheting is that I can let my creative juices ooze out into my fingers and create new patterns!… Now I do get very frustrated when I don’t get my pattern right the first time lol but “No great thing is created suddenly.” So seeing as I’m a persistent person, I keep trying till I finally get it!
This is happens to be one of those ‘new’ patterns :)