Black Lives Matter Beanie by Jennifer Borchert

Black Lives Matter Beanie

August 2020
Aran (8 wpi) ?
7 stitches and 9 rows = 2 inches
5.0 mm (H)
5.5 mm (I)
6.0 mm (J)
6.5 mm (K)
Child ages 7 and up, teen/adult, large adult.
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Black Lives Matter. I wanted to help and share my support in this ongoing movement by offering this free pattern. Everyone should have this hat!

Crochet a knit look.
This pattern is written in the waistcoat stitch. You will need to know this stitch or learn it. I added a video tutorial on my Facebook page at Jennifer’s Stitched Up. It is in the video section.

If you do not like the waistcoat stitch you can try a scblo instead.
You will need to carry yarn and color change.
I like Moogly Blog tutorials on YouTube to learn any technique.
This pattern is written with a 2 graphs. One BLM, the other a fist. A design for both sides of the hat.
The size option can be changed with a hook size but is written for 19 to 22 1/2 inch head size.
Check your gauge. This is important in case you need to make any adjustments before getting too far into the design. The waistcoat stitch and carrying yarn makes a snug hat and I like hats a bit loose. They need some give with the carried yarns and you must pay attention to gauge to achieve this.
You can use any yarn.
I wrote this one to decrease up and not be slouchy.
I used 4 different colors for this pattern, you will use less than a skein each color.
Make this in any color!