Blaze the Phoenix by Marie Overton

Blaze the Phoenix

January 2017
Thread ?
2.0 mm
1.8 mm
This pattern is available from for $4.99.

My son drew this phoenix ages ago but I didn’t feel quite up to the challenge and filed it away. He has reminded me about it regularly since then. I finally felt like I could do it justice. He had this vision of a fire colored bird that was like a cross between a hawk and a peacock. I am not sure if I accomplished this or not, but we spent lots of time researching, to the extent of studying pictures of flames to get the colors right. The detail and color in this bird is amazing. It is made out of crochet thread. It is 8 inches tall, 5 inches wide and the tail is 6 inches long. (The tail is my personal favorite.)

This uses 2 balls of red, orange, and yellow. It also uses 1 ball of blue, white, gray and black.

Let me know if you have any questions. Happy crocheting!