Blessing Pouch by Fatima Showkatian

Blessing Pouch

May 2022
Abuelita Fiber Company 100% Cormo
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 9 - 5.5 mm
One Size
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

As a child I thought of blessings as small treasures, or precious items I can hold on to and keep with me in my pocket. As an adult, I often use small bags to keep myself organized, storing my knitting supplies and tools so they are always nearby when I’m working on projects. It always feels like a blessing to be able to open my pouch and find exactly what I need in the moment I need it. It’s only fitting that blessings came to mind again when I
thought of a name for this pouch. I will also use it to keep my knitting tools nearby! This pouch is made using 100% non-superwash wool that is knitted and then felted to create a thicker and durable fabric. It is fun, quick to knit, and you can get really creative with it. Use it as a small project bag (perfect for a sock project!) It’s also great as a small purse organizer, or notions pouch. I hope you enjoy making it as much as I did!

Approx. 47g of fingering weight, non-superwash,
100% wool.

Note: Yarn used in images below is undyed 100%
Cormo wool from Abuelita Fiber Company.

Stitch marker
Tapestry needle
Wooden Button
Contrasting scrap yarn/embroidery thread
Sharp scissors

US 9 (5.5 mm) circular needles.

This pattern is forgiving and so no gauge swatch is