Blinkin' Bookworm by Whodunnknit

Blinkin' Bookworm

September 2011
DK (11 wpi) ?
US 4 - 3.5 mm
Flag of English English
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Oi! Some little toerag’s been chewing its way through your library! There’s nibble marks around the edges of the first seven pages of Wuthering Heights and the last page of The Cat in the Hat appears to have been marinaded in a light soy sauce!

Who is responsible for this book-munching mischief? A Blinkin’ Bookworm with a pair of specs on? Well, you can’t very well hit a bug with glasses, can you? Better stock up on cheesy romance paperback snacks while he makes himself at home.

To celebrate the release of my two ever-so-shiny books I’m releasing this free Blinkin’ Bookworm pattern into the wild just for you.

Knit him up and leave him somewhere bookish, whether its on your own bookshelf, munching through manuscripts at your local library or nibbling novels at your favourite book shop.

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