Blue Thistle Shawl by Susanna IC

Blue Thistle Shawl

This pattern is available from for $4.79.

Architectural beauty of the thistle plant serves as an inspiration for this generously sized wrap. Thistle is knitted in one piece starting at the bottom edge of the lace panels. The shawl is then shaped by a few simple decreases and easy stockinette short rows (no wraps), which form the curved crescent shape.

The small pattern repeats along with the use of larger needles help make this project suitable even for a knitter new to lace. The unexpected use of Aran weight tweed results in a faster and warmer knit and provides additional texture to the project.

Please note - I used exactly 5 skeins of the yarn for the sample shawl and had only 3 yards left over. The pattern in the IK Gifts lists 6 skeins as a requirement so there is no chance of anyone running out of yarn :)

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