BlueLagoonMandala by Sany (Sanita Brensone)


November 2019
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
3.5 mm (E)
175 - 328 yards (160 - 300 m)
Flag of English English
This pattern is available for €5.00 EUR buy it now

Pattern for Blue Lagoon Mandala.
If you love playing with yarn - Blue Lagoon Mandala is exactly for you.
It’s rows resemble waves in lagoon. And if you keep on until the end - you’ll find sunbathing chairs, parasols, dunes and blue sky over it all ;)

Pattern pdf consists of 11 pages including:

  • Written Instructions (US crochet terms);
  • Picture for each round.

And if after reading and trying out you have any additional questions - contact me and I will try to answer you as soon as possible ;)

I enjoyed making mandala and writing up the pattern - I hope you will enjoy it too ♥

P.S. now this magnificent mandala has been transformed into a blanket - if you love crochet blankets as much as I do check out ->