BT21 Chimmy Plush by Mooeyandfriends

BT21 Chimmy Plush

January 2018
Aran (8 wpi) ?
4.25 mm (G)
Flag of English English
This pattern is available for free.

After I posted my first BT21 plush I received a lot of positive feedback so I’ve decided to make the rest of the BT21 characters! I got a couple of requests to make certain characters so I will be crocheting them all! My plan is to post one BT21 pattern a month so please be patient with me as I slowly release each pattern. The first request I got was for Chimmy so I made him next.

Chimmy was created by Jimin from BTS. “Born with passion and tries hard at everything.” Chimmy is a black and white dog who wears a yellow hoodie.

Chimmy’s head was the trickiest part to make. Instead of crocheting one round piece I crocheted two pieces and sewed them together but you can’t really tell. I wanted to make one piece for the head but it was difficult because I also had to include his face (the white part) because I didn’t want to crochet a separate piece or use felt. Looking back I would’ve focused more on the shape of the head and trying to get that perfect “Chimmy shape” but overall I’m happy with the finished project.