Bulky Ski Hat by Tuscany Rose Collection

Bulky Ski Hat

January 2019
US 13 - 9.0 mm
US 15 - 10.0 mm
This pattern is available for AU$2.00 AUD buy it now

I made this hat for Christmas with a decoration attached by ribbon. That way when Christmas was over the decoration could be removed.

It has also been made with a giant pom pom, which you can make or use a faux fur one. You could even put a tassel on the end or leave it plain.

The hat has been made with double stranded aran weight yarn that uses a 5mm needle (US 8) or bulky yarn that uses a 10mm needle (US 15). I found the width doesn’t change just the length does.

I decided to make this hat in limited numbers, so now the pattern is available. There is also instructions at the end of the pattern if you want it longer. This pattern is really easy to make and doesn’t take that long to make.