c2c Panda receiving blanket by Off the Hook Mamma

c2c Panda receiving blanket

March 2018
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
18 stitches and 18 rows = 4 inches
in C2C pattern with 3+2 ratio (i.e begin with a ch 5, skip the first two sts, DC into the third, fourth and fifth. continue) Gauge swatch will be 6 block by 6 blocks for a total of 36 blocks in your 4"x4" swuare.
4.0 mm (G)
1150 - 1250 yards (1052 - 1143 m)
Recieving Blanket Size

The C2C panda bear receiving blanket #OtHM Original Pattern
For this project you will need:

  1. 4mm Crochet Hook
  2. 4 colours of #4 Worsted weight yarn (you will need approximately 1,250 yards total)
  3. Darning needle
  4. Scissors
  5. Basic C2C knowledge (3+2 ratio)

Terms, Symbols & STS used:
→ = WS working into the wrong side of the work (the pattern will read in correctly on this side)
← = RS working into the right side of the work (the pattern will read correctly on this side)
Ch = chain stitches
SC = single crochet stitches
DC = double crochet stitches
SLST = Slip stitches
STS = stitches
SLST = slip stitch (used at the end of each round to finish off - creates a seam. These are not indicated within the pattern but are applied at the beginning of each row on the decrease & at the end of the project)
X = multiply when you encounter this you multiply the number of blocks by the number given. i.e (GRN) X 3 is in the pattern, you create three green blocks (three stitches each) this will be a total stitch count of 9 stitches but you will be mindful of your 3 stitches while you are only counting blocks.

NOTE: Your choice of yarn will likely change the size and colour of the project. For example a caron simply soft blanket maker will likely need to go up a full hook size ( i.e 5 mm) in order to achieve the same gauge as a heavier worsted weight yarn makers blanket.

I hope you enjoy this free pattern from my shop for a limited time!
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