Call Him Ishmael by Christina Harkness

Call Him Ishmael

March 2020
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
20 stitches and 24 rows = 4 inches
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
800 - 1200 yards (732 - 1097 m)
One Size
This pattern is available for $6.00 USD buy it now

Ishmael is the best friend you didn’t know you needed.

This giant squid, named for the rival to Moby Dick, measures in at a finished size of approximately 55 inches long and 30 inches around. He is knit from the top down and offers a fun opportunity for customization on colors and suckers.

Approximately 800 yards worsted weight yarn in main color for upper body of squid.
Approximately 400 yards worsted weight in contrasting color/s for under belly of squid (You can use a solid color or have fun with knitting each tentacle a different color.)
Small amount of white and small amount of black yarn (sport, aran, light worsted or worsted weight) for eyes
2-#5 circular needles 24 inches long
1 set #5 double pointed needles
1-#7 circular needle 20-24 inches long
1 set #7 double pointed needles
1 set # 4 double pointed needles
Chosen decoration for the squid’s suckers (buttons, beads, tiny pom poms, your choice. You will need at least 460 beads if you space them according to the pattern. If your squid needs to be child safe, you may want to skip the suckers.)
25-30 ounces of fiber fill
Yarn needle (and sewing needle if you choose pom poms for the tentacles).
6 Stitch markers (one being distinctly different) /safety pins
Needle stoppers
2 lengths of contrasting scrap yarn in approximate 36 inch increments