Celeste the Unicorn by Marie Overton

Celeste the Unicorn

August 2019
Aran (8 wpi) ?
5.0 mm (H)
11 - 12 yards (10 - 11 m)
This pattern is available from etsy.com for $11.99.

The pattern for Celeste came about because my youngest daughter felt that we needed something for her to ride since the boys had their dragon. She was a little more of a challenge for me since dragons tend to be my forte. My daughter is very happy with the finished product and looks forward to many princess days in her future. Celeste is 32 inches tall, 32 inches wide and 42 inches long. She uses about 47 skeins of yarn total. Five of the colors use small amounts and could be used from your stash. The majority of yarn used was Yarn Bee 6 ounce skeins. The hair was done with 15 Herrschner’s Baby Sparkle 3 ounce yarn. I used high density cushion foam in addition to polyester stuffing to add strength to the piece. If you have any questions about her please message me.