Center Cable Pullover (4 strands) by Nancy J. Thomas and Ilana Rabinowitz

Center Cable Pullover (4 strands)

no longer available from 1 source show
November 2002
Bulky (7 wpi) ?
US 10 - 6.0 mm
1440 - 2400 yards (1317 - 2195 m)
XS 40", S 43", M 46", L 49", XL 52"

The Center-Cable Pullover is a design that uses 4 strands of yarn (one of which is a contrast color) to create unique color and texture. This pullover features a simple cable that travels up the middle while vertical blocks of stockinette and reverse stockinette are paired on either side. Knit in pieces and then seamed together, not only will this pattern be a quick knit but it will be sure to be one of the warmest sweaters in your wardrobe! The fit of the pullover is loose, allowing for maximum comfort - make this your comfy sweater to lounge in!

(Note: we’re suggesting bulky yarn doubled as an alternate to 4 strands)

Size: SX (S, M, L, XL)
Chest measurement: 40 (43, 46, 49, 52)“